Antanas Ramonas

„Last Summer’s White Clouds“

„Balti praėjusios vasaros debesys“ [Last Summer’s White Clouds]

Since its publication in 1991, the novella became the creative calling card of Ramonas. The main protagonist of the novella is Vytas (an autobiographical figure) who lives on Pilies Street in the Old Town of Vilnius. The narrative of the story is built around the search for “the lost time.” The plot follows the memory trail of the protagonist’s love affair from the previous summer which ended with the departure of his beloved for overseas. The novella, written in the style of a memoir, is composed from the perspective of the everyday life of a typical Old Town courtyard. During the summer months, the residents of the courtyard are being moved from their old homes to newly built apartments in the outlying districts of Vilnius.